University Budgets FAQs

Base Budget is the permanent ongoing budget that is recurring from year to year. 

Base budget may be adjusted due to:

  1. Specific budget addition or reduction through the annual budget process, approved by the Board of Trustees in July. 
    • These will include annual salary and fringe benefit adjustments related to the University’s salary program. These adjustments are built into the base budget at the beginning of the fiscal year.
  2. Approved mid-year salary adjustments funded by internal department funds.
  3. Transfers between divisions/units that are meant to be permanent ongoing budget adjustments.

Current Year Budget is the sum of the original budget for the fiscal year plus any budget changes that affect the current year only. Current year budget amounts are typically for things like the purchase of equipment, temporary staffing, or a one-time event. Current year budget amounts can be requested and approved by budget managers.

Cost Center Managers can request budget amendments in Workday. JOB AID FORTHCOMING.

  • Current year budget amendments are amendments that only impact the current year.
  • Base budget amendments are for amendments that impact the base budget and the current year budget by the same amount.
  • If you are requesting a base budget amendment that only has partial impact to the current year, please contact the Budget Office for assistance.

Budget amendments can only be made if shifting budgeted funds between worktags within the General Fund budget structure (JOB AID FORTHCOMING).
Accounting journal entries are used when funding needs to be transferred between a General Fund worktag and a Non-General Fund worktag. Workday Job Aid: ‘How to Create a Department Journal Entry Request’

GVSU has two staffing models: Position Management and Job Management . 

Position Management positions have Position Budgets: faculty, administrative professional staff, and hourly staff positions have position budgets. Initiating business processes for Create a Position and Edit Positions (JOB AID FORTHCOMING) will generally result in a change to a position budget.  In these processes, you will be asked to enter the source of funding for a new position or compensation change in a comment box. Please provide the worktags (fund/cost center/designation/budget pool) for the funding source for the total compensation for a new position or increased compensation for an existing position. If you are using the existing budget on an open position, please include that position number. 

Job Management positions are funded using Compensation Budget Pools. Visiting faculty, adjunct administrative professional, temporary hourly and student employees are budgeted through a compensation budget pool.  Amendments to budgets for these roles are created using Create Budget Amendment (JOB AID FORTHCOMING).

You can identify a position number by reviewing your team’s organization chart. Access to the position number is given to managers.  LINK TO JOB AID IN HUMAN RESOURCES FORTHCOMING

Payroll will be charged to an employee’s default organization assignment, unless a payroll costing allocation is created. Payroll costing allocations are needed when:

  • Payroll is to be split between multiple worktags
  • A designation, gift or grant is required
  • For temporary allocations due to short-term arrangements (such as grants)



Page last modified December 18, 2023